If you are the owner of several websites then hosting multiple domains on a single hosting account is an excellent way of achieving low cost hosting without having to sacrifice quality.
To advance on the internet with more domains and more hosting accounts has been a stumbling block for many because of the expense; hosting being the bigger expenses. But if you plan to operate with more sites in the future then perhaps this article will help you bring your plans forward. The sooner you own more of the internet the sooner your profits will increase.
As you progress your own understanding of the internet you'll come across the need to have more than one website for each project or niche. You may find a need to have explore that niche further and have a different website for each sub-niche. Rather than sit back and wait for just one website to do the business, you'll need perhaps six other websites that each try and dominate their sub niche to get traffic. If necessary they can send the traffic to the main website. Understanding this principle will increase you traffic ten-fold.
Many people and I have been guilty of the same thought, set up a different web hosting accounts for each new domain name they purchase. The only real advantage of this is if you plan on having say 60 sites and want to spread them over 6 hosting accounts. Otherwise you'll save huge amounts of your online budget by hosting new domains within your own current hosting account.
Some of the smaller hosting providers can confuse you to believe that each new domain needs a new hosting account. This is not true... and as such you should explore the internet further if I cannot explain the simplicity within this article.
Many so called bigger 'providers' have realized that to compete in the bigger market place they need to offer good deals. Such deals will include up to hosting 10 domains on one account, to hosting 25 domains on one account; and the more sophisticated businesses are now offering unlimited domains on one account.
It would seem prudent then to pool your resources and instead of having more than one account, use one provider and pay just the one fee. Furthermore you will find that these providers will give you one free domain for just signing up with them.
It should be pointed out that, like every business, your virtual company will evolve on the web, so you need to be prepared for evolution. You may, for example, upgrade you web site to include a variety of interactive properties or implement a sophisticated shopping card to drive your ecommerce store, all these amendments and upgrades will steal a little more web space each time. Moreover, your business will be developing and growing so you will want to reflect this within your virtual company.
I worked with one hosting provider from my early days in 2001 and would have suggested them to everyone as I thought they were excellent. Good customer service, pretty much reliable and my websites were seen on the internet. No qualms, no problems and no hesitations.
Everything was hunky dory and I accepted the $80 per month for all my sites. Then when I read more I found that you can now find hosting providers that allow multiple websites in one account. Today most multiple providers suggest 10 websites for one monthly fee. Yet even better news is that because of competition some hosting providers allow unlimited websites. Initially their costing was that little bit higher, but even that has come down to compete with the mainstream providers.
I hope this has explained the basics. Should you need either hosting, or hosting for multiple websites

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
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