3 Proven Strategies for Creating an Engaging Facebook Page

3 Proven Strategies for Creating an Engaging Facebook Page

A Facebook page may seem like an easy way to promote your business or service, but without proper engagement it can actually do more harm than good. With these three strategies for creating an engaging Facebook page, you’ll attract new customers and keep your existing clients coming back!

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Why do you need a page?

Chances are, if you’re reading this post, you’ve already heard of Facebook. More than a billion people use it to keep in touch with friends and family, or even just to check in on their favorite brands. That said, many businesses still don’t have a page, while

 others keep theirs dead and buried beneath old photos. If you want to get noticed by these potential customers—and show them you care—you need a Facebook page. The trick is to not only get one, but to make it stand out from all your competitors. Below

 are three strategies that will help you create an engaging Facebook page for your business: 1) Utilize images when appropriate : According to social media blogger Connie Ragen Green , less text attracts more attention . Using plenty of graphics is a great way to liven up your posts and make users more likely click through.

How Many Followers Should You Have?

Ten thousand is a good number to shoot for. Not only does it convey some authority, but it can also influence companies that see your page to take you seriously as a customer or partner. It’s like networking at an event—the more people who know who you are, and what you do, the easier it will be to meet

 like-minded individuals in real life. But don’t get discouraged if you don’t have 10,000 followers; eight or nine thousand might work just as well. The key is consistency: If you set goals of how many new fans per week/month/year to aim for and keep churning out engaging content over time, then even small numbers of fans

 will grow exponentially over time thanks to natural word-of-mouth growth. How to Build Your Fan Base?: Select 5-10 relevant fan pages that appeal to your target audience, and leave intelligent comments on their posts. Or make connections with influencers in your industry on Twitter, then ask them questions about their background or ask them which of their top five tips would be

 most helpful for someone starting out in their field.

What Kind of Posts Attract Engagement?

Successful Facebook pages regularly post a variety of different types of content—from question-and-answer sessions to contests to photo and video montages. Which strategy works best? It depends on your niche and

 business goals. There’s no magic bullet, but experimenting with these strategies can help you discover what sort of posts drive engagement. In general, posts that generate conversation among fans are typically more successful than standalone links or photos (for example, What do you think about how

 we should brand our new logo? Post your thoughts in comments!). If you want to boost sharing activity (i.e., buzz), photos often perform better than videos. Posts that encourage direct sales are usually more successful when they focus on special offers

 or promotions instead of asking followers directly for support (i.e., Leave us a review! or Click here to enter our giveaway). Take a look at your competitors’ most popular posts to get some inspiration for creating effective

 content. On Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and other social media platforms, it pays to experiment!

3 Proven Strategies for Creating an Engaging Facebook Page

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